Saturday, April 30, 2005

Not a good weekend.

I had a couple of fun things planned for this weekend... leave it to schoolwork to ruin my fun. I had planned on picking up some hours of flower slinging, (fun because I make real money to do it,) and I planned on watching my boys play some volleyball, (fun because they are awesome, and I love them, and it's always a good time to go to the gym and watch them win) ... Alas, neither of these happened.

I had to call off my flower slinging plans so that I could write papers, and I watched helplessly as two people tried to carry a team through a match, and fail. These are not fun things. (Corey and Krystian played SPECTACULARLY WELL, they left all they had out on the court, and they are AMAZING, I only wish that with the OK play and the downright-AWFUL play could've taken a few of their cues from these two and stepped up their game.)

After is was all said and done, IPFW took the match, and what that means to the rest of you is that Ohio State will be going to the final four, and that's a crime...

And I will say this; It absolutely tore me up inside and broke my heart to see and hug my dear sweet Krystian.

(Pictures below)


Trying to get away from this depressing nonsense...

You know what I don't like? People who are too judgemental for their own good. Tonight, I am speaking specifically to the ultra-conservative so-called Christians.

Nenny asked me to read the latest post and comments on Megbo's page, and I did. The post basically was a rant directed at her very right-wing conservative Christian friends who seem to think that Megbo is "living a life of sin" ... now I don't know Megbo personally, but based on what I do know, I was compelled to comment on lifestyle choices and judgemental attitudes.

We all know that I don't generally being a whole lot of religion into this page. I assure you, this is deliberate. I don't want to try to convince others that my lifestyle is right, or wrong, or that anyone else is better, or worse than I am. I might make shallow, remarks about a person's intelligence level, or their willingness to sell themselves out for monetary gain, but I make it a rule not to judge them as a person for what they say, do, or believe. Just because I don't agree with it doesn't make it wrong. So, when I am compelled to comment on Jesus, that's when you know things are getting serious.

In response to the comments the afforementioned Megbo rant generated, I said:

"Ok, kids... I don't know Megbo. I don't know Ben or Elizabeth. I do, however, know Jesus.

I might be wrong, (though I don't think I am,) but wasn't one of Jesus' main tenets to accept others? Accepting them in spite of any shortcommings they might have? Yeah, I think it was...

Jesus went to hang out with the Lepers and he hung out with Mary Magdalen who was supposed to be a woman of ill repute.

The fact is that it is not your place to judge Meghan. It is your place to love her and ACCEPT her for who she is, and the choices she chooses to make. (God did bestow free will upon man for a reason, kiddies.)

I think I've said enough here."
And to this point, while other comments have generated responses and further argument, nobody has chosen to respond to my comment. Why? Because if you think you can fuck with that, then you're fuckin crazy... and you know what they call the fuckin crazy uber right-wing conservative Christians? Think hard about this.... Yeah, that's right, they call them NAZIS. (Now, while that might get you elected pope, it won't get you in the pearly gates.)

The fact is that people will claim to love Jesus as long as it serves their purposes... and unfortunately people use their love of Jesus as a foundation for hating other people who have ideas which differ from their own. These so-called followers of Christ are willing to start a war in the name of Jesus, because people are different and they are ready to dole out judgement as if they are entitled, but they are unwilling to consider the fact that war and judgement is the last thing that would be encouraged by a man who preached "Love one another."

I'm sorry, but religion gets me all riled up... like I said, I don't mention it here FOR A REASON.



4.30.04 - "Well, actually under one of those pages is a hole and they turn it over and play washers during their down time." ~ Mel, talking about the clip BOARD (pictured below)

5.1.05 - "I really wish we were a bunch of penguins hangin' out and playing in the freezer right about now." ~Michael wishing we were penguins because he was a tad bit warm.

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