Saturday, April 08, 2006

Good morning my Saturday readers!

So I know that not many of you read this mess on Saturdays... Likely because you are out enjoying your weekend, and you are not confined to the boredom of a cubicle where a little time spent reading the Happy Hour is one of the few things that keeps you from stapling your cubicle neighbor's mouth shut... I've been there... And I know.

So Carrie, my dear, sweet reader from Maryland wanted me to go out, get drunk, and come back with a funny story for all of you kids... Under ordinary circumstances I'm happy to oblige such a request. However, seeing as I only had a couple of hours of crappy sleep Thursday night, and I was still suffering soreness on Friday from Wednesday night's game, I knew out of the gate that it was going to be a relatively low-key evening.

I ended up going over to my friend Mark's place, where we watched the first half of "Platoon" and then proceeded to play the most intense game of Monopoly EVER... And by intense, I mean that the four people involved were either all yelling at each other, or we were convulsing in fits of intense laughter.

It was a good night.

I know this doesn't make for the most interesting read, so I'll look into going out and doing something fun tomorrow, and we'll go from there.

In the meantime, here is a picture of Chewbacca and a large turtle... Just because!

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