Thursday, December 23, 2004

Bing Crosby is the devil... He and his WHITE CHRISTMAS MUST BE STOPPED!

I just shoveled my driveway... No, I don't have the longest driveway known to man, but I'll tell you something, when it's buried under a 3 foot thick snow drift, it feels a WHOLE LOT LONGER. And by the end, I stood there in the slush at the end of the driveway, where the concrete meets the asphalt, and I literally cursed Bing and his most famous song. I need to look into finding out something in the way of lodging a formal complaint against the Crosby estate... because I can do without a white christmas. And all those girls I go to school with? The ones who always talk about how much they love the snow? Yeah, I curse them too because they only love the snow since they've never had to shovel through 36 inch drifts of it.

The State Police are all telling everyone to stay home. There are people on the interstate who have been trapped in their cars for 30 hours... and yet, my (pregnant) sister with 2 year old in tow still seems hell-bent on going to Louisville for the Holiday. Well, it's her 4 wheel drive, and I've got the time, so I think we're going... God help us. (Do expect a full recounting of the trip, and exactly how long it takes us)


QOTD - "I think that hell actually has frozen over, and the devil was giving me a preview of coming attractions by forcing me to shovel the driveway today... I gotta stop making fun of people!"

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