Sunday, December 26, 2004

I am convinced that I have a form of adult- conversational- A.D.D.


You know what? I got Play Doh for Christmas and you didn't. And that makes me cooler than you.


I had a post a while back full of things that I randomly thought up during the day... and today I got the answer to one of the questions I've wondered for quite some time about! I had always wondered if people who are raised in a bi-lingual household, when they are thinking to themselves in their head, which language they thought in... and today I got to ask Mendez... (Spanish and English speaker, on the off chance that you are either new, or were illiterate until now.) And so now I finally know... she thinks in English.


A boy I used to be friends with once told me that I had a cute nose and that he wanted to bite it... I just thought about that today for no particular reason, and I'm still a little weirded out by it... and I still don't understand how it was supposed to be a compliment as he said it was. (I'm very befuddled)


"Befuddled" is a great word. And it doesn't get nearly enough play!


I am getting new socks tomorrow. I couldn't be happier about this! Although it doesn't mean I'll be throwing out all my old socks... even though they are all the same and most the ones I'd be throwing out have holes in them. (I'll probably throw out the ones with the BIG holes.)


By BIG holes, I mean big enough to get a whole toe through...


Why are you still reading my mumblings?


I love Bill Murray... I'd love him even if he wasn't a Cubs fan, (but since he IS a Cubs fan, he's that much more awesome!)


I forgot to wish Mendez a Happy Birthday back on 12/22 and that makes me an asshole... Sorry Mendez, Hope you had a good one kiddo. We're still homies.


I like grape kool-aid... and I drank A LOT of it in the the last couple days... perhaps a little too much.


I like BINGO... I miss going over to the clubhouse at the Glenmary counrty club with my brother and step-sister and playing BINGO when we were kids... that was fun, even though we never won.


I don't know if it's bad that I think 20 bucks is expensive for a plain white tank top... I am still willing to pay it, but I don't like it! (But it is a nice tank top... not like a wifebeater or anything)


I can't find my hairbrush. This is a big problem. I didn't brush my hair at all on Christmas day. (I just threw it up in a bun so that nobody would notice... and they didn't!!)


My brother's girlfriend saw a picture of me being all tan from a summer of lifeguarding and said I looked like Malibu Barbie. (I disagree... I wish I had Malibu Barbie's legs... even if they only bend 15 degrees)


My mom is trying to poison me with expired toothpaste... (Likely laced with cyanide!)

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