Friday, June 09, 2006

Thinking of you...

This evening after a long day's work, I was half-snoozing on my bed, when my computer mooed at me... This is not an unusual occurrence.

My computer moos at me every time I get the first instant message from anyone. And it seems to me that people only ever seem to instant message me when I'm either snoozing or half-snoozing.

Responding to the moo, I see that it's my friend Kevin.

Kevin and I went to college together. We had a flirtatious period late my freshman year. And then he transferred to another university. Had that not been the case, I'd say we probably would have dated, but as it is, we just had that flirtation.

So Kevin wanted to know what I was up to, how life was treating me, etc. (Clearly, while he is my friend, he is not a happy hour reader.) I was more than a little shocked by this sudden contact, if only because I hadn't heard anything from him in probably two years.

So after a little while spent playing catch-up, I asked him why he decided to get back in touch all of a sudden.

He told me that he was thinking of me, and that every so often he wonders how I am and what I'm doing. He paid me a couple of other compliments and we chatted a little while longer, but the long and short of it was that he missed me and just wanted to catch up a little bit.

I like those kinds of conversations. The ones that let you know that even though you've kind of lost touch with some people, occasionally they still think of you. Its nice to hear that you're missed by someone.

I don't know where I was really going with this... But I needed a topic for today, and this was the best I could come up with given the fact that so little is going on with my personal life lately.

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