Sunday, January 08, 2006

No bike for Caroline...

Despite the pall that had been cast over the weekend festivities, drunken amusements were exactly what was necessary. So what did I do? I called my binge buddy, Caroline.

A few quick words on Caroline:

Caroline is rapidly ascending the friend ladder, and becoming one of my closest pals... She has already entered the circle of trust, and I have no doubt that she will remain there for a VERY long time. She is also one of the most quotable bitches I've ever met in my life! She knows she's funny, but I don't think she realizes just how funny. It should also be noted that she has incredible fashion sense and, when in public, is generally dressed in something that only she can pull off! (I wish I could wear even half of the things that Caro makes look good.) Caro is also notorious for her taste in shoes... Expensive, impractical, and exquisite... This is why her blog is located at Caroline is also known to get drunk and track down the nearest bicycle (usually one that is securely locked to a stationary object) and mount up to pose for pictures... Thus the title of her page, "Drunk Girl On A Bike."

Ok, as much as I love Caro, and could rave about her for days, let's get on with the post.

So I called Caro, and we went out. We had originally planned on going out to Maeve, but in typical Chicago-on-a-weekend fashion, it was packed full of yuppie scum. So we went across the street to some bar that I don't recall the name of... Only because it was not important enough to be remembered because the bar was not exactly a happenin' place.

Long story short, we had a couple rounds because Caro's boyfriend Dave ran into a few people he knew, and it was necessary to drink while chatting with them. And then we proceeded to Bungalow... Which was also packed with yuppie scum. But we did manage to procure a table and drink a round on the house before deciding that hanging out amidst the yuppie scum was a total buzzkill.

We then picked up Kevin at a bar called Fizz, where Caro used to work, and where Kevin still works, and after another round, we decided to skedaddle over to Caroline and Dave's house to drink more, eat, and play some Cranium. (Girls vs. Boys... And of course we ladies claimed victory before the night was through.)

It should also be noted that I learned what an "upper decker" was. (You'll learn too when you get to the quotes!)

And that was the story for the night... Now, here are the pictures, and at the very end, you'll find the quotes! (Sadly there was no bike available for Caroline to pose on for pictures last night)


Liz and Caroline looking hot at Bungalow amidst the yuppies. (Gratuitous cleavage shot for y'all on this one!)

Caroline, sexin' it up at Bungalow.

Another shot of Caroline and Liz.

I told Dave to give me a little sexy, and we got this pensive/sexy pose.

Bartender Kevin is learning how to bartend back at Caroline's.

Caroline ordered up some drunken food, and Kevin continued his bartending education... (Can't you just sense the concentration!)

And this is a shot of the drunks foraging in their natural environment.


QOTD: (Some of these are also from Meljoy's last night in the windy city, because I have been really bad about posting QOTDs lately... Sorry.)

"I love it when I can't feel my face!" ~Meljoy

"Hey, what do you expect? I coach chicks for a living!" ~Coach B. noticing the gratuitous shot of Tits McGee's chest.

"That guy's unbelievable! I don't wanna fuck him or nothin', but he's just unbelievable!" ~Marty on Pat.

"Marty! It's ok for guys to love one another!" ~Coach B.

"How bad is my oral hygiene that I break a tooth on a french fry?" ~Caroline

"I LOVE NUTS!" ~ Caroline

"Well as for new year's, I imagine you guys had to wait in line because we know Berlin has some kind of quota system going on... I mean they have to let in so many ugly people to balance out the few attractive people who ever go in, so when you guys showed up, they had to let in a lot of ugly people, because you guys totally threw off the bell curve." ~Caroline

Background: There was a woman in a wheelchair at Bungalow while we were there... (And yes, I am an asshole, and I despise people who are overly politically correct, so I actually did say what is coming up here in a sec.)

"That wheelchair thing is the best scam ever! Everybody is moving for her!" ~Caroline

Liz: "You know who makes me feel tall?"
Caroline & Dave: "Who? Us?"
Liz: "No... That lady in the wheelchair."

"Ummm, why is somebody's mom here?" ~Caroline

"So what was up with Jenny Jones and midgets? She loved those little fuckers!" ~Caroline

Talking about going on a date to see the movie "Brokeback Mountain"
Markus: "So I said, 'Oh, what are we going to see? BUTTSLAM MOUNTAIN?'"
Dave: "Oh, yeah, you're nailin' me!"

Caroline: "Yeah, Markus here taught me about the 'upper decker!'"
Kevin: "What's an 'upper decker?'"
Markus: "Well, if you go to a house party, and it's hosted by someone who you don't particularly like, you just go into the bathroom, take the lid off the toilet tank, and drop a big deuce in the tank. Then every time they flush they get nasty smelling, shitty water... So you drop an 'upper decker,' you know, in the upper deck."

1 comment:

Bennet said...

I believe one and all must look at it.
Belleville homes