Monday, December 18, 2006


I went to a basketball game at my alma mater on Saturday night. It was an alumni night, so I got to see all my old basketball boys from my days in "the cage." Since we were there among all the hoops alum, we saw a graduate of the program that we never expected to see... And we got a QOTD!

"Hey, is that David Bailey? IT IS! WOW! I thought for sure he'd be in jail by now!" ~ Ciara

The title of this post is more closely linked to the fact that while I was on the way home from that game I snapped a heel on my fabulous, favorite, recently-reunited pair of shoes. I am really upset about all of this, because I really wanted to wear them to an interview this week. I will take them to the cobbler (aka the "shoe hospital") early on Monday to see if they can be repaired in time!

Also linked to the title of the post is the fact that I have broken yet another of my red wine glasses... This leaves me with one. (Please note I was totally sober and merely washing my dishes when I did this, so don't think I just busted it up in a drunken stupor.) So I am either going to have to get some new red wine glasses for Christmas, or I'm going to have to stick to drinking red wine alone. CRAP.

On a totally unrelated note, I have had conversations with my sisters in the past about our television viewing. Namely, we talked about what shows we watched in order to feel more normal. The concept behind this question isn't that we identify with the people on the show, in fact, quite the opposite. Basically we watch these shows because the people on these shows just make us feel better about ourselves. It's like a televised ego-boost. My oldest sister's selection was the Dr. Phil show. My other older sister selected Jerry Springer. I finally figured out what my selection is. I like to watch the A&E show "Intervention." I think the reason for the my selection is because I get to watch people who have drastically fucked up their lives, they have lost a great deal of what was once important to them, and in the end they are usually able to make the positive turnaround and start to redeem themselves. It's nice to know that it's possible for people who have screwed up their lives that much can still redeem themselves. That makes me feel better about my life. I don't know why I felt the need to share that, but I did.

In other news, I am pet sitting this week. Some of my friends go to the warm, sandy beaches of Puerto Rico for the holiday, and I get to feed the cat until I leave for Christmas at my dad's. Eh, that's my lot in this life. I'm used to it.

That's all I've got for you at the moment. Be good my darlings.

UPDATE: The guy at the shoe hospital said the shoe is shot! UHHH I beg to differ! He asked me how long I'd had them and I told him, "about a year or so" and he basically called me a liar. He said that if he COULD fix it, it would cost about $35 (which I would totally pay because those shoes were expensive, but HOT!) but he said more or less that he couldn't or wouldn't do it. Basically if he was willing to put in the effort it could be done... but there is no way that it would be fixed in time for the interview, so I will just have to wear other hot heels and be all the more fabulous.

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