Thursday, December 16, 2010

We're working on it...

Template changes are clearly underway. I'm not sure if I am sticking with this theme, but I rather like it SO FAR. (It is a work in progress)

I have lost the links in my sidebar, but I think I will be putting updated links in there at some point in the near future.

In the process, I also lost my comments because I used a comment gadget other than the standard blogger comments. So please feel free to re-comment as you like.

More changes to come, ...I think.


bun(s) said...

Well now this is quite the change! But you did warn us...
Makes me think of Lynard Skynard's 'Free Bird'. Peaceful, freeing, almost holistic...

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why when you go to CVS they always ask you for your CVS discount card. Why can't they just give everyone the same prices?? I don't feel like carring around a piece of plastic with their logo on it. I mean the card is free to everyone, why do they insist on having you present it in order to get a shitty discount that should be the actual price. Sorry, it is the holidays and everyone is getting on my nerves.