Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Well a pleasant good morning to you all! As I start writing this post it's about 5:45 AM. To those of you who know me, you know that the only reason I'd ever post anything before 10 AM is because I never made it to bed the night before... yes, once again this rule of thumb holds true. So here's the reasoning this time around (for those of you who care to know... for those of you who don't care, piss off, I don't want you readig my blog anymore.) (Just kidding... you're still allowed,just don't bitch about this entry because you were warned.) Ok, so a couple days ago I got an IM from the lovely Alana, and she was so excited to tell me that her feet were all better (finally!) and that in spite of all the goings-on during finals week, she wanted to celebrate her recovery by knocking back a few brews. And as so many of you already know, if it involves hanging out with Alana and the consumption of alcohol I'm SO THERE! SO... long story short, I was a gigantic idiot because I have a final in a couple hours, and for the same class (which happens to be a capstone course in my major) I also have revisions and about 8 pages of additions on a paper that I've had roughly a month to work on. (yeah, I'm that much of an asshole.) So of course I go over to Alana's right after work and we start drinking at roughly 7PM. Please keep in mind that I had gone over with the intention of working with Rachel on our papers (since she had to do the same assignment and write up the same data) But when someone hands you a beer as you walk in the door, and the Cubs are on TV (and we're also switching back and forth for playoff hockey),working collaboratively on a paper doesn't exactly take priority... Yeah my parents would be so proud... So anyway at 1AM I decided that academics needed to be handled so I left Alana's to come home and work on my paper and study a little bit for my impending final... So I sit down and make a couple of revisions, and begin to work on my additions for the final draft, and I realize that I don't have the numbers I need. (which basically means I can't write much of anything and I'm generally screwed.) I had the numbers, but they were trapped in a program that my computer can't open... Go figure. So... being the ass that I am, I call Alana to see if Rachel is still up, or to see if she can read me the numbers I need, or SOMETHING. Basically I got REALLY lucky, Rachel was still up, so I sprinted back to their place, picked up the number sheets, and jogged my happy ass back home. (on the way I ran into Kang who offered me another drinking opportunity, even though I already told him I had shit to do) So I came home, cranked out the additions to my paper (which are undoubtedly little more than semi-coherent drunken ramblings with some fancy words and the right numbers thrown in there) But it's done and it will be on time, and that's what counts, right? (wow, this has turned into a really long post.) So here's the end, the sun is up, the sky is blue, I'm all sobered up, and my paper is all done... wow you gotta love drinking during finals week....

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