Monday, July 30, 2007

The reunion pics...

Ok, so I have kept you all in suspense for long enough. Some of these pictures were pilfered from one of my cousins. And although this was the last picture taken of the weekend, it was posted first just to give you all a preview of what all is involved with the rag-tag assemblage of miscreants who gather to celebrate their membership in this bizarre clan.

The picture shows roughly 50 of us, but there were a few others in attendance who were too busy doing other things to stop for the photo op.

I'll avoid unnecessary commentary on the self-explanatory pictures... You're sharp enough to get the idea.

There was no organized family volleyball game this year, which I found as something of a disappointment because we had so much fun with it last year.

I don't know who brought this thing along, but as far as being a handy place to entrap small children it was a wonder!

And then the drinking begins... And after a night of drinking, I felt a little grumpy, much like Charlie the Unicorn... Imagine my surprise when I walked into the living room and find my own magical leopleurodon on the sofa. (For those of you who are unaware of the significance of the magical leopleurodon, you obviously must go here.)

...And with that, I knew that it was time for me to go on my own adventure to candy mountain... though instead of candy mountain, I was desperately seeking alcohol island.

We started early by drinking beer while watching the Cubs game.

The picture of the Children Playing sign is something of a tradition... because we're all children this weekend. And we come to play!

And of course there are people with REAL children...

And for those of you who are familiar with my Drunken Cubbies Weekend adventures, you remember Tarreck, who is a perpetual 30-something child.

And here's the latest edition of "this is where my toes go..." At one of the strategically placed campfires!

Shortly after my toes arrived at that campfire, so did the smore preparation team!

And then I found myself thrust right back where I belong! I have located the mythical Alcohol Island!

And a heated poker game!

And along with the other games and festivities this year saw the return of the karaoke machine! (There are incredible numbers of karaoke pictures, and I know that these might get a little repetitive, but I think that they also have a really great flip-book-montage quality to them.)

It should be noted that Elise (pictured below in the stripey shirt) brought all kinds of hilarity to the karaoke madness, but did not in any way recall it the following morning. And here are the photos to prove it!

I'm not entirely sure what's going on in these shots, but I know it was funny, and I was glad it was captured for posterity.

And here are a few of the alchies who stayed up after the karaoke machine was forced out of commission by grumpy parents who didn't want us howling and waking their children anymore.

These are the pictures that were safe to post... There was an odd little addition to the reunion that I think bears mentioning... "The Boob Room."

Don't ask me how it was conceived, or the real purpose of it, but all I know is that it was a bunch of drunken females congregating in one of the bedrooms and there was a great deal of flashing going on. And it became one of the drunken amusements to try to lure in unsuspecting ladies and force them into showing off the goods.

And there you have it... If you'd like a more detailed account, I'll give it to you, but I thought it better to just let the pictures speak for themselves!

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