Friday, April 08, 2005

Every once in a great while...

Every once in a great while, someone will give you an incredible compliment. Yes, there are people who are complimented every day, and yes there are those people out there who are always full of nice things to say about you at the drop of a hat, but I'm not talking about one of those run of the mill, off-the-cuff compliments that are a dime a dozen. I'm talking about the REALLY GREAT compliments that come out of nowhere and shock you into double take. For most of us, those don't happen very often. In my 22 years I've only had 4 compliments of this magnitude... one of which came today. In chronological order (oldest to most recent):

  1. "You shimmer."
  2. "You give out an incredible amount, and you never make a big deal of it, you're one of those people who has a dual presence, there's the loud, fun you, that people enjoy the company of, and there's the subtle presence that people don't even realize is there until they figure out it's gone missing."
  3. "There are those few people out there who make everyone else around them a little better, you're one of those people aren't you... People can't help but be improved by you."
  4. "How many guys are after you right now? ["None, why?"] REALLY? That's a shame... That really shocks me because you've got the best personality and the best sense of humor of anyone around here... When I was in college I know I didn't give the really great girls like you the time of day because I thought I was too cool ... and now all I do is date women who are totally crazy, because when single women get to my age they get a little nuts. All the cool ones, like you, are already married by then."


I have recently come to the revelation that the old saying "Truth is stranger than fiction" is unequivocally true. With all that has gone on lately, I've come to the realization that I just couldn't make this stuff up...



4.6.05 - "Oh, let me see those!! Those probably have cancer all over them! Oh yes, see, this one? Cancer all over it, but don't you worry, I'll eat it for you!" ~Jaimie saving me from certain death by testing my baked lays for cancer!

4.7.05 -
Liz: "You know, I'm Ethiopian."
Megan: "Really?"
Liz: "Yeah, I'm totally Ethiopian."
Megan: "You're really Ethiopian? WOW!"
Liz: "C'mon, Tiggles, do I look Ethiopian?"
Megan: "Well I don't know, you COULD BE!"

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