Monday, June 05, 2006

If you need to find me this summer...

The day was sunny and bright. The lake was cool and blue. The sand was fine and warm. There wasn't a cloud in the perfectly blue sky. And I was there. And it was GLORIOUS. I am not kidding. the day was utterly perfect. You really should've been there!

...Oh, that's right you were being a productive member of society.

After I had properly roasted the paler parts of me, I reluctantly left the beach, and went to see Anthony. And I went with him on the final walk-through at his new condo, making me the first person other than his real estate agent, who happens to be our buddy Dave, to actually see the inside of his new home... And the kicker? He has a pool!

So you can bet that I will be found lounging my summer days away poolside... And on days when Anthony has to work, and won't turn over the keys, I'll probably head back to the beach, because it was really just. that. fabulous!

While at the beach, I had the following phone conversation with Anthony which is today's QOTD:

(I called him while he was at work)
Anthony: "Hello?"
Liz: "It is a PERFECT day at the beach."
Anthony: "You know, you are a PERFECT asshole for calling me at work to say that."
Liz: "Well, I was actually calling to see what I could bring you from Starbucks when I stopped by later... But if I'm a PERFECT asshole, I'd hate to ruin my PERFECT record!"
Anthony: "Oh... Well, in that case, you're an IMPERFECT asshole."
Liz: "Given the option, I can save four bucks and remain perfect, or spend my hard earned money and become imperfect... Seems like a no-brainer... You're lucky I love you enough to compromise my own perfection."
Anthony: "I guess I'm just lucky to have you."

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