Monday, September 05, 2005

I need a hug...

I keep getting more and more bad news. (Murphy really was a timely name for my fish.)

Today mom called to let me know that Grandma has developed a serious lung infection, she has been moved back to the hospital, and there is talk of "just making her as comfortable as possible."

So we know what that means.

While I have played the realist all along during this saga, the fact remains that when you hear those words, it kinda hits home and makes you realize that the end might be even closer than you thought.

Once again I am being a Debbie Downer, forgive me. Getting such grim news about members of your immediate two days in a row will have that effect... I don't really like to talk about this stuff to people around me, because I can visibly see it bringing them down, (and that's hard for me, because I like to be uplifting as frequently as possible.) So even if I'm only sharing this info with the modest readership that I have, it's important for me to get it out there somehow, so the writing is more of a catharsis than entertainment lately, my sincerest apologies.

I am sincerely hoping to find something more enjoyable to write about in the not too distant future, so please bear with me.


I suppose since you're still reading, you've decided to play along and ride this out... either that, or you're waiting for me to address the changes I've made.

Yeah, I went back to the old page design, and I decided to remove the other contributors (because they no longer contribute), and I went through and cleaned up the links, and added a new one for you. Other than all of that, it's still the same page.

As I type this up I've got Jeff working on the code problem that has caused this beast to improperly load in internet explorer for a good long while now. (Which is why I continually recommend you use firefox, so that you can see the page as it was intended to look.) So that might end up being repaired by the time you see this as well.


So you're all aware, my schedule at the bar will continue to be the closing shift Sundays and Thursdays throughout the month of September.

At present, Thursdays are karaoke nights and we are trying out Sundays as an additional karaoke night, so it may or may not be a karaoke night if you come in on a Sunday. (Either way I won't be torturing you by making you listen to me sing, so you can just come in and laugh at everyone else.)


So that's that then.


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