Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I finally got a paycheck today!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?!? Neither can I!

I don't think I have a roommate anymore... Jennie has been taken captive by the Iraqis or some such nonsense. Either way, I miss her, and I hope I see her again sometime soon.

My dad called tonight... And instead of any real substantial conversation, we talked about baseball. And while under normal circumstances that's all good in my book, it has occurred to me on more than one occasion that despite knowing how I feel about a lot of things, dad seems to think it's a good idea to take a contrary point of view... (Comparing the Cubs with the fuckin Yankees?? I mean REALLY!) And then he got all mad when I said that Roger Clemens had no soul. So naturally he was talking about how a guy that age who could still throw the heat like that was respectable... I of course admitted that yes, Roger does have talent, however, that doesn't mean that he has a soul, and that also doesn't mean that he isn't a whore for the baseball industry, because HE IS! This is just my opinion... But still, I'm right! And since these conversations happen to occur between father and daughter, I'm starting to realize that I'm slowly becoming the son that he actually has, but never talks to. But the boy doesn't seem to be too into the whole sports/sports-debate scene these days... But you kids all know how I am about my sports... IT'S VERY IMPORTANT STUFF TO ME! Among few other things, (like drinkin and makin out) seeing the Cubs do well, and seeing the Lakers lose brings me great joy. (Bill Simmons might be upset about that anti-Lakers comment since he moved to LA and all... But I think in the grand scheme of things, he'd understand.)

I guess I'll just wrap all this up with your quote of the day!

- (I know these things are often funnier when taken out of context... But in my own defense, I'll put today's quote in context, and you can take it or leave it: Nate and I were playing the celebrity name game and he was continually sticking me with letters that were getting tough to play.)

Nate: Wow, I'm getting pretty good at dickin' you!
Liz: No comment! .... Well wait, actually, isn't that kind of affirmation for me to make?

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