Thursday, June 03, 2004

Once again I find myself irrationally irritated by people tonight... and I don't know why. I guess it's fortunate that Jen isn't here this weekend, as I would hate for our first weekend living together to be marred by my bizarrely irrational irritability, because that would be bad, and I think it would set a bad tone for the rest of our time. I'm even bothered by my music on my computer, because apparently among the 700+ music files on my computer, I don't have many that I actually want to listen to right now... weird.

I call these irritations irrational because it's over trivial things really. Despite the fact that he is not responsible for my happiness or my mood, I expected Dave to entertain me tonight, and he didn't... so I was irritated. My mom told me to take proof of my student status to my doctors appointment so that if the insurance company needed proof of my status they would have it on file... but since I know that an insurance company would not go to the doctor's office to obtain student status info, I was irritated... once again irrational. I suppose that my only rational complaint for the evening is that my 12 year old sister Jessica now has a cell phone. A CELL PHONE! AT 12 YEARS OLD!?! YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME! Supposedly it is just for emergencies, but honestly what kind of emergency is a 12 year old going to be involved in where she will need a cell phone? HONESTLY! SAVE YOURSELF THE MONEY AND HAND THE KID 50 CENTS AND MAKE HER USE A PAY PHONE LIKE EVERY OTHER 12 YEAR OLD! Dave tried to justify this, which only further angered me... I will never be convinced that there is any good reason for a 12 year old to have a cell phone unless that 12 year old is a child star who is managing his/her own bookings. I mean really.

Out of my irritation I am making everyone else pay the penalty. Therefore there will be no quote of the day. I'M BOYCOTTING!

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