Sunday, June 20, 2004

Kids, we've got another website with some interesting quizzes. Evetything from "what genocidal maniac are you" and "how dumb are you" to "what annoying b-list celebrity are you" and "what kind of drunk are you"... This one is actually a pretty amusing time! For the complete list of nonsense, go HERE! Oh, and don't forget to post your results in the comments section!

Just so you kids are aware, I am:

I'm So Drunk!
What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

and I am also:

I am Ebola. Hear Your Organs Squelch.
Which Horrible Affliction are you?
A Rum and Monkey disease.

1 comment:

Randell said...

It cannot succeed in actual fact, that is exactly what I think.
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