Monday, July 26, 2004

Well, for those of you who have been keeping tabs on little Faith, (who you might know as the reason for the Faith project,) she has passed on. After 7 and a half weeks of bringing joy into the lives of everyone who ever knew her or heard about her, little Faith has left us. We are grateful for the time we did get because it was so much more than we had ever originally hoped for. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all your thoughts and prayers, as they are greatly appreciated. The bright point of light in all of this is that we've got another person on our team up there, just one more person looking out for us.

****Faith Anne Messina ~ 6.1.04 - 7.25.04****
On a lighter note, I want to congratulate Ben on FINALLY turning 21! Way to go Ben! You made it! Now we can party out on the town with you, instead of keeping it in the confines of our places of residence!

As far as the rest of my homecoming has gone, I'm still pretty happy about being here. Within 10 minutes of my arrival in town I ran into a guy who I briefly dated last summer, and a guy who I worked with three years ago (he sucked at life almost as much as he sucked at lifeguarding, so we made him cry and eventually he called it quits... No loss). I gave Lauren a call, (I don't know why...) and her birthday celebration is this weekend but I will not be able to attend because it's up at the cabins and I'm too poor to finance the necessary liquor purchases and gas for the trip. I ran into coach Lensing (HS soccer) at the grocery store, and I remembered why I never liked her.  All that aside, I had a pretty mundane first full day back in the Ville... Got up, ran errands, dental appointment, lunch, more errands, visit with sisters and the man, dinner, and some whatnot... You know. Nothing special. Tomorrow holds a lot of promise though, because I've got lunch with Becky and margarita night with my mom. Fun times.

I guess I should go ahead and note that free laundry rocks, and that dial-up internet service makes me want to kill myself. And I still miss my Dave! (Dave, call me when you get a chance hun. I never know when to call you anymore because you keep changing up the schedule!)

7.28.04 - (talking with Becky about the bun in the oven)
Liz: Well, what do you want?
Becky : [very quickly, and very sure] GIRL! Er, um... I mean it doesn't matter, as long as it's healthy.

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