Monday, September 18, 2006

My punk ass is still waiting...

Here's the thing... I don't know whether it would be better for me to hear nothing until the decision is made, or to hear a small stream of positive feedback while awaiting an answer. Yeah sure, hearing that small stream of feedback seems nice, but it makes me wonder if everything is so positive and nice, what's holding up the offer that I hope is eventually coming? I want to tug my hair out while agonizing about how this is going to end. I just want to work! Is that so hard to understand? Is that so bad? Is that too much to ask? I mean I'm not asking for next week's lottery numbers (although those would be lovely...) I'm just asking to be able to go into work every day and collect a paycheck that I can live on at the end of the week.

And so another restless night begins...

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