Sunday, January 23, 2005

Here's the thing. I just want to be a good person... And I try hard, I really do. But after being good for so long, I do things that will undoubtedly have me cast into a very deep circle of hell. For example, today I was on the train, headed to work. I waited patiently in the blizzardy snow for fifty minutes for a train to show up without a word of complaint, but upon entering the train car, I knew I was gonna be faced with a challenge. I was about 8 feet away from a woman with a very serious, very real case of Tourette's Syndrome. (I've studied it some, so I know about the tics that go along with the verbal outbursts... basically I could tell what I was in for before anyone else realized what was going on.) As much as I've may have studied this disorder, and as serious as I know this is, and as much as I know it's actually quite horrible and greatly limits certain life aspects of the sufferer, I still couldn't help but smile to myself about the words coming out of this woman's mouth, and admittedy I did laugh to myself once I was no longer in her company. If it makes me a bad person for laughing because a woman yelled "FUCKING BITCH TITTIES!" and "HOW'S YOUR FEET?" and "COCK-WHORIN' CUNT" well then I'm sorry, because I laughed. I really couldn't help it. It was almost like her tic caused me to have an involuntary laughing tic. I'm sorry. Please god, don't banish me to hell for appreciating your sense of humor!


After spending the afternoon at work today I came home and didn't really do much. I consoled a few of my volleyball boys because a few of them played really well, (and they should be proud because they played their hearts out, and that's why I love them.) Then I got back in touch with a few friends who I hadn't talked to in quite some time, and I had a lovely conversation with Karla. (Karla and I REALLY get each other... kind of the way twins have their own language, that's kinda like me and Karla.) Long story short, Karla gets it. (And she said she would SO buy my book!)


1.22.04 - "I usually totally hate girls cuz I'm so not like the conventional kinda girl. I just don't understand them and then Jeff reminds me that i am a girl and that i shouldn't make fun of them." ~ Karla on being reminded that she's a girl

1.23.04 -
Liz: "Oh did Alana tell you that she and I have a class together?"
Karla: "Really?"
Liz: "Yup we totally didn't even plan on it either... she walked in and it was a total shock."
Karla: "That should be fun, what class?"
Liz: "Cultural anthro."
Karla: "Do you guys sit by each other?"
Liz: "Yup."
Karla: "...and braid each other's hair?"
Liz: "Totally! And we talk about boys while we give each other manicures!"
Karla: "I wish I could do that, it would be so swell!"
Liz: "It is SWELL! We're best friends forever!"
Karla: "WOOOOOO BFFs!"

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