Thursday, January 27, 2005

Went to class, wanted to stab myself in the face because getting up that early makes me suicidal, (and if I could muster the energy, at times, homicidal) followed class with work where I talked with Nate about racism and astronomical chances with regard to first name and middle name combinations, and then I came home and took a glorious nap. That was my day, sorry if it wasn't anything refreshing and wonderful to entertain you with... But wait, no, I'm not sorry. I refuse to apologize to you for my mediocre day! What kind of selfish asshole are you to demand that I have some REALLY interesting experience so that you can be entertained. Jeez! GO STAND IN THE CORNER AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!


Mendez wants to kick my ass. And I can't say that I blame her. She and I conversed about boys. And basically she told me that after all this time, if I lower my standards now, she's going to cut me... and she's a Chicago-Mexican, so I believe that she has a switchblade in her cute little bag. (Her bag says I [heart] nerds!) (She's gotta be keeping her blade in her bag because lord knows she's too skinny to hide anywhere on her body.) And since she weighs 100 lbs soaking wet, I think her only chance at taking me is to be armed... but she'll sniper your ass man, she'll sneak up on you and slice your achilles! And we all know from then on out, you're fucked! And then while she's cutting out your kidneys for some weird mexican taco recipe, she'll sing happy birthday to you in spanish! Believe me! I've seen her do it!

But anyway, she basically gave me the ego boost I needed to keep going. She told me that love won't come along when I'm looking for it, it'll come along when I hate guys and am seriously considering becoming a nun. (I've been through that stage, and I didn't have a boy then either...DAMN) But anyway, Mendez, here's to you kiddo!


1/27/05 - "We had a diversity training luncheon today! We played DIVERSITY BINGO!" ~Pat Schultz

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