Thursday, March 10, 2005

Apparently I am an angry person... even when I'm not angry. (Yeah, I don't get it either)

Yes, folks, that's right. I'm angry... and not only that, apparently I'm angry all the time. You all are fully aware of my rants and whatnot on here, as well as my constant complaints about school, but I like to think that otherwise I keep things reasonably upbeat. I guess not. Here's the scene:

Last night I went out with Jennie V. and Alex to the Cubbie Bear for a few cheap drinks. So we sat and drank. And after several rounds I closed out my tab because as a group we had planned on going to other bars. Well, that was about the time that the girl band showed up and Alex found an affinity for one of them, so we stayed. I obviously had no interest in hitting on the girl band members, and I was tired of beer, so I turned to the basketball on the tube. Apparently this means I was mad. (I say apparently because I was "mad" without even knowing it.)

So, here's the long and short of it: because we stayed at the cubbie bear, and I wasn't interested in hitting on chicks, and I was wanting to watch basketball, I was automatically mad... and I was still mad without knowing it, even after repeatedly being asked if I was mad, and consequently denying my anger. (I wasn't mad... HONESTLY I WASN'T! But someone else tells me I was.... interesting.)

So there we were, walking home and a certain someone decides to tell me once again that I'm mad, and that because I'm so mad all the time, that's why we don't get along better... Great, now I start to get mad. I get mad because while I haven't been mad all evening, people keep telling me I'm mad, and now I'm being told that I was to blame for a failing relationship because apparently I'm mad all the time... my blood begins to get simmering a bit at this point in the evening.

I don't know what you kids think about all of this, but I think it's a load of horse shit. And yes, this might be my passive-aggressive way of dealing with it, but the fact is that I wasn't mad, and being repeatedly told I was mad got me mad, and then I was to blame for everything, so this is my best course of action.If you follow any of this, let me know. I'd appreciate a little following here.


The foot fetishist fellow is apparently still a reader, and he enjoys what he's reading... just goes to show that I appeal to a quite a vast audience!


Side note: Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't know the actual lyrics, DON'T TRY TO SING ALONG!


3.6.05 - Heather: "Hey Liz, your makeup looks good like that!"
Liz: "Thanks, I applied it while intoxicated"
Heather: "You should do it like that more often!"

3.7.05 - (My gay neighbor Benjamin came to my door bearing gifts)
Benjamin: "I have a present for you!"
Liz: "Really?"
Benjamin: "Yep, HERE!" (presents me with a handful of twix candy bars)
Liz: "These will go straight to my ass, I don't need them!"
Benjamin: "Well, just give them to [Jennie] Tell her the twix fairy brought them!"
Liz: "You ain't kiddin!"

1 comment:

Emmanuel said...

Well, I do not really suppose this may work.
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