Thursday, March 31, 2005

Sunny days... full of comedy.

IT'S A GLORIOUSLY SUNNY DAY IN CHICAGO, (with PM thunderstorms, clearing into a cool damp evening...) Who could ask for more?

I go to class, I go to work. I come home to laundry and room cleaning. All in all, a grand day.

I don't know if it's the sun that has me in such a great mood, or if it's other factors, but whatever it is, I'M LOVING IT! FOR REAL.


Since we're on the topic of good days, check this out... THIS GUY had a good day.


MelJoy is off to the women's final four in Indy. She deserves a day or two off! (Hope you have fun my dear!)


Here's a little something for your enjoyment (Thanks Bret!) I actually had a link to this over there on the side, but I hadn't explored it for a while, and Bret pointed this little gem out to me.



3.31.05 - "I'm not sure how I feel about France. I've never been there, but it seems to be a strange land full of swarthy men in yellow pants." ~Alana


Note to the masses: When everything always seems to be your fault, there will come a time when you stop giving a damn... That's a fact.


I love ALL of my true friends. You guys seriously kick ass, and I consider myself lucky to have you in my life!

"Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends."


My mom told me that I am her hero, how cool is that? (Mel said it too, so I think it's pretty frickin cool... but that's just me)

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