Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I am still a grumpalumpagus...

Not to be confused with a Snuffleupagus. (And yes, that is the correct spelling of that name... I checked.)

I went to a meeting today, and the salon STILL isn't ready... And it probably won't be for another week or so. So I'm looking for other work.

Also, I've had a couple of complaints about the way the new video feature was causing things to load incorrectly, or it was freezing computers, (mac users,) so I've deicded to move it off of the main page. Instead, I've got a link to a new page where you can click at your leisure to see the video clip of the week. (It will remain in the sidebar with the rest of the links.)

That way everyone's shit will load right, and everything is frickin hunky-goddamn-dory, MMKAY?

(I'm just kiddin, I'm not at all pissed about moving that stuff... I just wanted to let you kids know what was going on.)