Saturday, October 15, 2005

The tango is frickin HOT.

Yeah, that's right, I think the tango is FRICKIN' HOT!


The above statement has absolutely nothing to do with this post whatsoever, I just thought I'd let you all know that I think the tango is FRICKIN HOT!!

Ok, so now that's out of the way, I suppose I should get on with the regular post, whaddya say?

Since you are still reading, and I'm still writing, I'm assuming that you indicated and affirmative response, so here goes.


Today might very well have been the most interesting day in the history of the world!

Yes, that's right, today, Saturday, October 15 might very well have been the most interesting day in the history of the world.

Of course, the odds are significantly greater that it was, in fact, NOT the most interesting day in the history of the world.

To be honest, I wouldn't know.

I wouldn't know for two reasons.

  1. I don't know what your collective or singular personal opinion(s) regards as being spectacularly interesting, so therefore I can't make such a generalized statement without taking into account that it is not qualified to anyone but myself.
  2. I slept all day, so if anything spectacularly interesting which would qualify this as the most interesting day in the history of the world actually transpired, I slept through it.

Yeah, for some reason I was spectacularly tired today, so I slept a lot. (If you find that spectacularly interesting, then all the better, I suppose.)

I don't know why I was so tired, because last night consisted of going over to Anthony's, eating a couple pieces of pizza, and making t-shirts. (As we all know by now, I LOVE making t-shirts, and I LOVE Anthony, so it was a good time.) This was not a particularly physically draining experience, but I was compelled to sleep a lot today... Perhaps these events are not even related, except for the mere fact that they occurred in close proximity on my own personal timeline of events.

Yeah, I went to bed at roughly 2 AM, and slept until 11 AM. Nine hours sleep is usually a pretty damn sufficient amount for most people. Apparently not me. I got up, had a bowl of cereal, brushed my teeth, grabbed a book, read approximately 3 and a quarter pages, and promptly decided that I needed to go back to sleep. I slept until 4 PM. I have since whiled away the last 3 hours or so doing very little except think, "Damn... I slept a lot today!" This thought is generally followed by, "Damn, I make awesome t-shirts... too bad I slept all damn day so I didn't get to share them with the world!"

(I'm a global thinker... I would be sharing with the whole world, rather than just the few people I encountered during the course of whatever it was I would've done today.)

So that brings us up to the present moment, where I sit here in a computer lab (because my computer is still in the shop somewhere,) typing up this post for your future entertainment.

Provided that you have been sufficiently entertained by all of this, I will consider they composition of this post a relative success, and wrap it up at that.

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