Wednesday, October 19, 2005

You don't need a remote control for that...

Ok, I expect a little nonsense to come my way during any given day... in fact, I welcome it much of the time.

There comes a time when one must simply say "Enough is ENOUGH." This is that time.

Ok, I'm all for technologically-induced laziness, really, I am! There are certain things for which a remote control is a nice little bonus. A television, VCR, DVD player, a home stereo, a garage door, a wide assortment of toys primarily marketed to children, a shark, (everyone should have a remote controlled shark,) etc.

One thing that you almost certainly DO NOT need a remote control for is your CAR STEREO. I don't mean if your car is equipped with video monitors etc, which is a whole other problem... I'm talking about those nimrods out there who have decided that it is easier to locate and push buttons on a remote control, rather than simply extending their arm and changing radio stations or volume by hand... If you're really that lazy, many auto manufacturers offer cars equipped with audio controls mounted directly on the steering wheel... thus eliminating any need to that "extend your arm" part of the audio adjustment.

So seriously, WHY do they have remote controls for car stereos?

Apparently, they also have them for DISHWASHERS... Another useless invention. (I mean you're still going to have to load the thing yourself, so why do you need a remote to start it?)

And we wonder why we're continually getting fatter in the technology age?


Since I'm at least partially riled up, I'm going to go ahead and recount last night's events for you.

After I posted the most recent addition to the page, I took off to go to a meeting for the salon. This was supposed to be the big, important meeting that we have to go over everything before we open, which was supposed to happen today... Yeah, the meeting was 15 minutes of the same bullshit because the bitches STILL aren't ready. And by NOT READY, I mean that things are not hung up on the walls, the bathrooms are painted ENTIRELY THE WRONG COLOR, the internet connection that is necessary for us to conduct business is not up, the couch for the lobby is not in yet, a few of the beds are either not at the salon, or not properly put together, the inventory of our stock has not been done, nothing is clean, the thermostats are not properly operational, the audio system is not installed, the rooms are all too dark because the "pendant lighting" has not been installed, and several of the lights that have been installed don't work, the floormats have not even been ordered, let alone put in the salon.

Let's keep in mind that this place was supposed to be up and running by the third week of September... Here it is a MONTH later, and we are still not ready. (This instills real confidence when it comes to these bitches actually getting me a paycheck on time.)

SUPPOSEDLY, we are set to open on Friday. (Personally, I'll believe it when I see it.)

After the meeting, I was all set to go out boozing with Caro... That didn't happen either.

Yeah, I knew Caro was going to have to work until about 9 or 10, so I didn't really worry until then. At 10:30, I called her at work to see if things ran late, and nobody answered the phone. So I tried her at home. Dave answered the phone, and informed me that Caro was asleep.

Yeah. So, I didn't go out boozing.

Caro called me back this morning, and apologized noting that one of her friends had alcohol poisoning on Monday night, (blood-alcohol level of .37 which is on the low end of coma-inducing alcohol levels) and she had to take her to the hospital, and didn't get home from the hospital until 11 AM, and thus was too tired to go out.

That's a good excuse and all, but this brings me to a much more important point.

My friends are NOTORIOUSLY bad about changing plans, or cancelling plans WITHOUT contacting me to let me know what the hell is going on. I am greatly irritated by this.

If you make plans to go out with me, CALL ME IF SOMETHING COMES UP. If you just really don't want to go out with me, don't make plans in the first place. I am nobody's pity case.

This has been a public service announcement from Lizzle. Thank you for your kind attention, and have a nice day.

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