Thursday, September 02, 2004

An open apology to my few readers:

My blogging suffers when I'm busy with work or class... the rants lack their usual fire, the regular posts lose much of their humor, the alcohol consumption drops to entirely-too-low and entirely-too-infrequent levels... Please forgive my half-assed blogging. If I thought I had a larger audience, I'd probably care more and take more time to compose the entries, because as we all know, I'm not spending my time on homework. But the fact is that I generally only get comments from the people who are supposed to be regular contributors anyway, so I'm kinda lacking for motivation... of course it's kind of a catch 22 because if I were to write a little better on a consistent basis, perhaps I'd attract a larger readership. Anyway, I apologize to all of you for my lameness and incompetence. I'll go marry the next hispanic guy to hoot at me and start poppin' out babies in a feeble attempt to validate my existence.


As for Jennie's blog response to yesterday's entry, there are a few things I disagree with, but only because we have ENTIRELY DIFFERENT college experiences... Jen went to IU, a big school in a small town, and I go to LU, a small school in a huge town... I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, or the Jen is right or wrong, I'm just noting things from my own perspective and saying that there are major differences, so it's kinda like comparing apples and oranges..


Today was a good day for quotes, so I'm gonna go ahead and put a couple up today so that I don't feel like such an asshole when I get behind later on during the weekend. (Hopefully because I have drown my dirt-poor, pathetic self in rum and/or vodka.)

9.3.04 - "This is my 'Nerd Segmentation Theory' ...Your lives are just gradually progressing into nerd-osity. You will slowly watch your wonderful, social, beautiful selves be whittled down into plain, boring nerds... it's inevitable. And all I can say to you is that I hope you enjoy it!" ~Dr. Otatti's official reasoning for why nerd-appeal advertising works.

9.4.04 -
Liz: "Hey, put some shoes on, you hippie!"
Brent: "Shoes are over-rated."
Liz: "Maybe, but this establishment has a lot invested in those feet, let's protect the investment."
Brent: "Well I can just get a foot implant, or a foot transplant, or some other kind of plant."
Liz: "A nice ficus, or a palm would be lovely."
Brent: "Actually I was thinking something with pretty flowers on it would be a big hit with the ladies."

9.5.04 - (Jen had a quote that should have been QOTD, but the fact is that it's just too racy to post here, and she's probably going to hell for saying it, but she'll still get half credit for today... the other half will go to Alana with this number)
Liz: "I can actually say that my bed has never known a boy's company since I've owned it... but it's an antique, so I can't attest to anything before my time."
Alana: "haha it was a brothel bed... you're sleepin in a broken in slut bed!!"

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