Thursday, September 23, 2004

Today sucked. OK? It sucked. I wake up on time, but hit the snooze once, only to wake up 45 minutes later to find that my alarm did not go off again... so I missed my first class, and I decided that starting off my day with my second class was not the route to go... (you'd understand if you ever met Dr. Vic Otatti) So instead I went up to campus to try for the fourth day in a row to get a meeting with the only person who seems to know how to get the $11,000 debt off my account and get me the money that I'm due so that I can pay my rent next on the first of the month. Apparently nobody told her that most people work more than three hours a day. Yeah, I've been to the office every day this week, and I've never been able to make contact with her... Today was no exception, she was gone for the day by the time I got there at 12:20. And guess what! Tomorrow she works from 9-12... right when I've got class, and I've got a test tomorrow, so it's not like I can skip to go meet with her... SWEET! So then I went to work. Most days I enjoy my job, today was the definte exception to the rule. People did just about every concievable thing possible to piss me off. Someone must've put out a memo while I was waiting in the line, you know the one where I waited for a half an hour only to find out that the woman I needed to see wasn't there... yeah, that one. So after my excruciating time at work (where several people are lucky I lacked the genuine will to reach across the counter to crush their respective larynxes) Someone even thought it was a good thing to tell me that I looked like her grandma because I was sitting there playing cards... I was too flabberghasted at the comment itself to reach over and snap her neck. So dinner with Alana, a little TV, some ice cream, and a long talk with the Dave was the best course of action to finsh off the day.


9.24.04 - "Liz, baby, you just give me the names, I'll put out the hits, nobody will put it all together!" ~Dave (Yeah, I just outed one of my possible hitmen here, but just so you know, there are several others who have made this offer that you don't know about!)


Life is so much better when people say things to you like
"You're the best!"

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