Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Well, I went to Brain & Behavior, took some notes, felt smart, went to Stats, made fun of the professor, (which is yet another reason I'm going to hell, but more on that in a minute,) went to Metalwork & Jewelry, got an A on my first project of the semester (Because I ROCK AT JEWELRY MAKING!) And then I went to work... another slow day at the cage. Had dinner with Alana while still on the clock, and that's about it. (Those are the more mundane details of the day... so back to the part that involves me going to hell.)

Yeah, that's right, I'm going to hell... I know this has been addressed before, but it seems every day I find another reason for the good lord to damn me to hell for all eternity. This time it has to do with my statistics professor... now it should be noted that I'm taking this nonsense only to fulfill my math core credits. I have taken psych stats with Dr. Sutter, and I got an A, (no small mathematical feat,) so intro stats with this chap should end up being no sweat. It should further be noted that this fellow makes intro stats like ten times more complicated than it needs to be... illustration: He put up two versions of the same problem the other day and spent thirty minutes of a fifty minute class period lecturing on them only to inform everyone that the numbers were all just a bunch of bunk because the averages in the problems were not weighted... He could have mentioned that after five minutes, and saved all the poor little freshman plenty of time, ink, and loads of confusion. So, what does all this have with me going to hell, you ask? Well, here it is, plain and simple; it bothers me when people don't streamline things to make them as painless and simple as possible, so it kind of goes without saying that I already rather dislike this fellow. So this makes me feel like lashing out, (I'm a juvenile in that regard.) And while I might not be the finest physical specimen, and (don't get me wrong,) I generally don't criticize most others for any physical shortcomings, however, when I feel like I'm being forced to sit through all this unnecessary crap, the lashings will start in the most obvious of places. I have no doubt that they will progress to less petty and shallow things as they become known and readily available for use, but I'll start with the utterly and disgustingly obvious... The man is a tub of goo. Yeah, he's about 5'7" and a minimum of 400 lbs. He's a waddling statistic himself, (for morbid obesity...effortlessly a couple times over.) He waddles into the classroom, blathers on for his fifty minutes and never says anything that couldn't have been said in five minutes. Furthermore, he also irritates me with his self-importance. I mean, really, he's just an intro stats professor... and he's not even any good at that. THE BASTARD. So yeah, I make fun of this VERY rotund man, who I'm positive hasn't seen his manhood without the aid of a mirror for QUITE a long time. I'm an asshole, and I'm going to hell. These are the facts, they are undisputed.


I might also be going to hell for wondering about such as:
Do blind people still close their eyes when they kiss?
And if a tree falls in the middle of nowhere and nobody but a deaf person is present to observe it, does it count as making a noise?

Yeah... I repeat; I am an asshole, and I'm going to hell. These are the facts and they are undisputed.


9.8.04 -
Alana: "I don't like fruit... cherries are ok, I like cherries."
Lee: "Do you like peaches?"
Alana: "Nope."
Lee: "Uhh, you're drinking peach tea."
Alana: "Well, that's tea."
Lee: "Is it bad that I was really hoping that you were going to say that you are actually severely allergic to peaches and you're going to blow up?"

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