Thursday, February 02, 2006

Six more weeks of winter, eh?

Yup, that over-grown rat saw his shadow, which means we've got 6 more weeks of winter ahead of us! But in all honesty, do I hear anyone complaining? I mean it's been a REALLY mild winter all around as far as I can tell, and I'm all for six more weeks of spring-like temperatures here in the windy city!

As for the infiltration of groundhogs in the Nazi party, well, I'm not an advocate of Nazi-ism, so they can have the groundhogs for all I care! (They have scary buck teeth and beady eyes!)

In other news, my work computer has decided to cooperate with me today, and so I might actually get out of here on time today! I might even have a little time to dilly-dally about on the interweb, and actually catch up on all the baloney that I've missed in the last few days!

I don't really know what else to tell you kids, other than to have a nice day, and be good because Santa is watching!

1 comment:

Eli said...

Oh my god, there is really much useful information here!
Bramberger Meat & Cabbage