Friday, February 03, 2006

Well, that can't be good...

Ok, so I know I've mentioned our office's weekly data backup process before. And I know the last time I only briefly mentioned it without really getting into it, because quite frankly there were more important things to mention, like crazy bus people, and office porn... (And before any more of you ask, NO, there have been no incidents of office porn since then, and if there were, I am blissfully unaware of them. So stop asking! ...Moving on.)

So anyway the weekly backup of our system has apparently been a major kink in the works since it's inception. The girl who had my job for the last 4 years apparently referred to it as the bane of her existence. And it is rapidly becoming something that I unhappily wrestle with on a weekly basis.

So this morning I came in to see if our weekly backup had run, and of course, it hadn't... There was something wrong. VERY WRONG.

So I called the tech support guys in India, and we went through the whole schpiel, and I heard the phrase that nobody EVER wants to hear when they have a technical problem with their backup system.

The guy said, "HMM, well... That's uhhh... That's quite unique."

Yeah, he said that the problem we were having was UNIQUE.

When you're having problems with a personal relationship, or with the way an article of clothing fits, THAT is when problems should be a little bit unique. When it comes to computers, NOTHING should be unique to the tech support person who is paid to solve problems in this genre ALL DAY, EVERY DAY.

So I sat on the floor in the back of the office, on the phone with the guy in India trying to solve our "unique" problem... and eventually we figured things out, but it involved uninstalling and reinstalling the whole program and all the hardware connections... GROSS.

In other news, today is payday, so I am once again a very happy camper... and in the interest of spreading happiness, allow me to share these animations that always manage to make me laugh... They are old, so odds are you've seen them before, but they are still funny, so feel free to view them again and have a good chuckle!

End of the world!!!

Hippo Noodles!


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