Tuesday, November 02, 2004

It's 12:33 in the AM on November 3, and let's just say things ain't lookin good for JK. I try to keep theses posts non-partisan, and today will be no exception. (I'm not saying I'm glad or sad JK is trailing, or that I'm glad or sad Bush is winning... I never liked either one of these characters.) At no point have I advocated for anyone to follow me and vote as I vote. I've never endorsed either of the 2 realistic candidates, and I don't expect any rational person to allow my nonsensical musings to in any way dictate or influence how they should vote. I just advocate that you should vote. I don't care what race, religion, orientation, party, or whatever you are, I merely desire that you be a good citizen, do your civic duty, educate yourself, and vote for the candidate who you think best serves your interests.


There are a few simple things I'd like to do before I die:

1) Get pissed off and throw a drink in someone's face.
2) Get pissed off and bitch slap someone.
3) Get pissed off and throw something made of glass against a wall, causing the glass item to break.
4) Ride a horse on the beach.
5) Do some kind of charity work in a third world country.
6) Have kids.
7) Sell at least one piece of my art to someone outside my family or circle of friends.
8) Slow dance on a rooftop.

(I hope you are all taking notes.)


How's about a little lighthearted entertainment... starring kitties!

And this is for all you S.O.B.s on Atkins!

And this is for all you penguin haters out there! (Addictive!) (My record is 1112)


11.3.04 -
Shaun: "I don't remember much about the end of the night, I do remember going into a convenience store and putting 5 slim jims on my debit card... and when I got home I was drunkenly bouncing off my walls as I headed in to go to bed"
Heather: "You need to watch what you say around her, it'll end up being quote of the day."
Shaun: "I don't care, as long as my name isn't on it!"

(Sorry, Shaun, your name is on it.)

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