Sunday, November 14, 2004

Right now, I'm in a man-hatin' mood. This has very little to do with the fact that I didn't get any kind of play this weekend, and more to do with the fact that my dad pisses me off more and more every time I talk to him, and the fact that Dave never answers his phone when I call. However, when all three of these factors all combine, it generally yields a man-hatin' mood.

Yeah, that's right, I'm man-hatin'... and if you've got a pickle, that means it's probably your fault. (And no, I'm not hormonal, so just don't even go there.)

If anybody has anything constructive to say to help me get out of this funk, I'd greatly appreciate it. If you are only going to tell me that I need some action, then please restrain yourself, lest I find some torturous way for you to remember in the future that you were harshly punished once for stating the obvious. (Likely something that will yield a great deal of scarring.)

If you are male, and you are offering up apologies for not having a Y chromosome and all the trappings that it entails, then by all means, fall to your knees and beg forgiveness. Otherwise, you're going to have to keep it sweet for a while... there's no telling how long this is gonna last.

1 comment:

Paul said...

It won't have effect in actual fact, that's what I suppose.
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