Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Day 140 was actually pretty productive.

I actually went to 3 out of my 4 classes, (and I actually had a valid reason to opt out of the 4th) I ran by work, and played some cards, shot the shit for a little bit, and wished my B-ball girls luck (sorry that didn't pan out better for you ladies!) I then headed in the general direction of my home, I went to the bank, and when I finally came home I found out that my new knickers had arrived, and then I came to the sudden realization that the paper that I thought was due Thursday was actually, in fact, due tomorrow... er, today rather... Tuesday.

When you come to the realization that you have to write up a somewhat lenghthy consumer psych marketing report analyzing how Nokia could utilize different marketing strategies to boost phone sales, because it's due the following morning, you generally get right on it, right? Yeah, not me. I took a nap.

When I woke up, I had dinner, contacted people I have consumer psychology with, and I tossed around a couple ideas, and then got started. I finished by about 3, and here I am.


I would like to note that there has been much discussion and speculation about the identity of the mystery boy. For those of you who don't recall "mystery boy" refer to the entry for 12.4 which begins with "Ok, so I'm back to loving boys..."

And mystery boy has still made no attempt to contact me and let me know who he really is. (Mystery boy, if you're reading this, you can still email me at eschell@luc.edu, and I promise to keep your identity mysterious to everybody else ... but for the love of god, this is making me NUTS!)


Track of the day - "Novacaine for the Soul" by the Eels
You might have a very slight recollection of this one from several years ago... more likely that you don't but there's a slight chance.

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