Tuesday, December 14, 2004

There's nothing funny about it...

Yeah, we all know that I've gone through a drought of epic proportions lately, that's no secret. (I knew it was big when I had to start physically turning away from commercials where people kiss... and when I subconsciously knew this had been going on long enough that I felt the need to track down a calendar and actually count the days...) But Now, I fear is has become an even more significant problem. Why you ask? Because I have been trying to slowly generate some interest in this page among my friends, acquaintances, and cohorts... unfortunately my constant focus on the drought has pulled my focus off of what is really important. HUMOR. Ok, yeah, to the casual reader there is some comedy in my suffering, and the occasional recounting of my nights out which all end the same way, but seriously, if I expect to generate ANY new readership, I've really gotta step the comedy back up. Sorry guys, my apologies.

Hey, if I thought I could use the drought as a constant source of humor for the benefit of my readership, I'd keep this up as long as the jokes held out... but I think we all know that at this point, there's REALLY nothing funny about it.

But for those of you who have suffered along with me, poring over every miserable word, I thank you for your personal fortitude. And to the readers who bailed on me because I temporarily lost my touch, well you can go suck on an egg!

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