Monday, January 16, 2006

Likability, alcohol, athletics, depression...

As weekends go, this one was a mixed bag. Ups and downs, wins and losses, sobriety and heavy drinking... Truly a tension of opposites as the weekend wore on.

That said, let's just jump right on into the recap!

Friday, after work, I went up to Evanston (not at all far from the tanning salon, aka- HELL, where I used to be employed) to play darts in a bar. I should like to note that I suck at darts. I am better than the girl who was shooting on the board next to us, but I still freely admit to sucking... I don't play nearly enough to be any good.

Saturday morning, I slept gloriously late, went to the coffee shop, went up to the first volleyball game of the weekend, and proceeded to the nearest local dive bar after we claimed the win, so that I could watch some playoff football. Now, as I mentioned before, I "happened" to meet up with the people whom I befriended at the game, and being the likable person that I am, they funded my drinking for the night... It was pretty awesome!

Sunday morning, I got up in time to make it to the second volleyball game of the weekend, (another easy win for my boys!) And immediately following the game I went to meet up with the resident drunk girl on a bike, Caroline, Dave, and Kevin for drinking, singing, hooting, cheering, and in the end... Depression. (We were watching the Bears.)

At one point Caroline ran to the drug store, and our friend Rob jokingly said that she would need to pick up some condoms for him... ("Magnums please!") And of course, Caroline being the hilarious girl that she is, indulged him... She garnered her QOTD by saying "You know it was kind of embarassing... there was this guy behind me, and here I am asking for condoms..." I of course, had to counter this statement by saying, "No, buying condoms isn't embarassing... going in and having to ask for dental dams with people behind you, now THAT would be embarassing." Caroline came back in excellent form with, "Yeah, so I get to the drugstore and I ask the guy, 'Do you have any dental dams? Because I plan on licking A TON of chooch this weekend!'" I about fell off my stool laughing at that one.

Caroline also made a $50.00 bet that no one would go over to one of the other Bears fans in the bar and snag the foam bear claw, only to run outside and claw the window with it. Of course I was perfectly ok with embarassing myself to a total stranger for the entertainment of my friends, so I did it. I didn't actively hold Caroline to her word on the bet, but she covered my alcohol for the day, so we're square... (And I owe her a great deal for all that and the other trips out, which I will repay after payday as she knows.)

After the depressing Bears loss, (only compounding depression for me because I had all my hopes riding on the Colts who also lost,) Caroline said that if she was only continuing her drinking binge if there were strippers and/or mechanical bulls involved. Sadly, for Caroline, the decision was made to proceed down the street where there were no strippers or mechanical bulls, so she and Dave took off.

My friend CT showed up and took over being my drinking ticket for the evening, and we drank heavily until I decided that I had to leave because otherwise getting out of bed for work today would have been a worse punishment than death ( if working on MLK day in the wake of having all NFL playoff hope dashed wasn't bad enough.) Turns out my boss forgot about the holiday and decided that we would get a half-day off... So that was nice. (I should like to note, that I'm all for half-days, especially when I'm still getting paid for a full day... but I don't see why it's always the early half of the day that I have to go in... that just sucks!)

Ok, so I've bored you all enough for now... Go play!

1 comment:

Edward said...

Wow, there is so much effective info above!