Sunday, January 22, 2006

Quiet Weekend... (relatively speaking)

So I had started out the weekend with fantasies of blowing a big chunk of my paycheck at the bars, repaying my debt to the fabulous people I call friends... They made other plans. By and large, my pals decided it was going to be a low-key weekend. So I'll have to wait a while to start my liver-damage-repayment-plan.

So Friday was spent pretty much just like I said it would be, but without the trip to the bars at the end.

I got home from work, ordered fabulous food that I didn't have to cook, I put on some sweatpants, and I dined on that marvelous meal and sipped some wine, and I had a Lizzletini while watching one of my favorite movies... I ended up going to bed at like 10 PM... Something I haven't done (unless I was sick) since I was approximately 8 years old.

Saturday, I woke up refreshed! (It's amazing how well you sleep when you know you don't have to worry about your finances for a LONG TIME.) And that refreshing sleep meant that I was ready to take on the day! So I tackled my weekend apartment cleaning job, and then took off with Anthony on a much needed Target trip! (I went a little nuts just because I haven't been able to go to Target in so long!) Here's what I got:

  • A (MUCH NEEDED) coffee maker.
  • A toaster.
  • A paper shredder.
  • A really pretty black and white picture for my wall.
  • Pledge and 409 (Because I noticed I was about out while cleaning)
  • Super Glue... though now I can't remember what it was that I needed it for... I just knew I needed it.
  • Shampoo and Conditioner.
  • And my one true indulgence (I consider this a landmark purchase as something I was allowed to splurge on because it's my first REAL paycheck) I got 600 thread count sheets!
The sheets are HEAVEN.

But anyway, once I got home from the Target trip I got my act together, and I headed back up to campus for the men's volleyball game. (Because those are my boys!) And while I was there, I ran into Erin, who I used to work with, but haven't seen in 7 months because she went to Rome for a semester. And as it turned out, seeing her and trying to catch up on things turned into me tagging along to an old-school gathering of collegiate folks drinking and playing games around a large folding card table... (It made me feel old, but I still had a good time.) Here are the few pictures we took from the evening!

Me and Ernie (Erin.)

Erin inexplicably "getting sexy" with the wall... She didn't even drink that much!

Erin's roommates Dina and Lisa.

Erin posing for some strange reason... (I don't ask why, I just take the pictures.)

And I had to post this picture from late in the evening because it looked to me like Erin had some kind of facial deformity! WEEEEIRD!

And Sunday has been spent lounging on my hot new sheets, watching movies, and drinking coffee from the coffee shop... (It's something I can afford in addition to having a new coffee maker, so shut up!)

I hope you all had some fabulous times of your own!

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