Monday, January 30, 2006

We've had a little work done!

(Ok so we've had a lot of work done!)

The wonderful, fabulous Kelly of "Diary of the Nello" fame has graciously donated her time, talent, and efforts to whip up a fabulous new look for the page!

Depending on when you are checking out this post, you may already see the fruits of her labors! (In which case you can clearly see that she has an amazing talent, and has done a stupendous job!) And if it's not updated just yet, then hold on to your hat when you check back later, because I think she's done a really swell job of classing up the joint!

To sing the praises of the wonderous Kelly, head on over to her page and give her some love! She's in the sidebar, and she is that link I have up there a couple of paragraphs back!

Thanks a billion Kelly!

YOU ROCK! (And from what I can tell, you're a great mommy too!)

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