Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The second day on the job...

Ok, so today was my second day at the new job, and it was not as good as the first... Though it still sure as hell beats the alternatives. (The alternatives being A. -being grossly undercompensated, and contemplating suicide/homicide at the tanning salon. OR B. - Not being employed at all, and feeling sorry for myself all day because I can't afford to do much else.)

So whay was today kinda poopy? For starters, I didn't sleep well last night. Don't ask me why, I sure as hell don't know. I couldn't get to sleep until like 3 AM... which is bad when you've got to get up a little after 7 AM in order to get ready and make it early, because you know you've got shit to do when you get there.

Yeah, it's my second day, and I had to go in early.

One of the brokers decided to pile a craptastic load of work onto me yesterday afternoon at about 3, saying that he needed it ASAP... Well I stayed late on my first day, I came in early on my second day, I didn't leave my desk all morning with the exception of getting a cup of coffee and going to the bathroom once, and I still didn't finish with his work until nearly 2 PM. And that's when I got to eat my lunch.

And you know what? The thing that I spent so much time on? He didn't even use it. He used one that took me like 10 minutes on the first day, and he wrote on it, adding his little notes, so that I had to re-do it to include his notes, only so that I could send it to him in an e-mail.

And why did he need it in an e-mail?


Well hell.

But all in all, I still like it, and they are paying me enough that I really don't give a damn if I work all damn day on that stuff so that they can work from home. As long as the boss signs my paycheck every two weeks, I'm ok with whatever they want!

It's all good though... I think I'm just grumpy because I haven't gotten enough sleep, and when I came into the coffee shop tonight, there were two bitches sitting at MY TABLE! (Clearly they didn't know who I was!) But I have since reclaimed my table, and will be headed home to shower and to head to bed soon, so things are looking up! (And I am so going in late tomorrow!)

Be good sluts, I hope to be back to day-time blogging soon!

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