Friday, January 06, 2006

Sorry guys...

I know that the recent posts have lacked their usual luster (so much so that Jay has offered up possible topics for future posting) ... It's not as a result of starting the new job, I promise.

The truth is that I've had quite a lot on my mind lately. And to be honest, I felt that the majority of it was not worth troubling you fine folks with. You come here for roughly 5 minutes of daily amusement, and me being a Debbie Downer isn't the kind of thing I care to post, because I know it's not what you all come here for. (Yes it happens, and lately it has happened with startling regularity, but cut me a break...)

And yet, today was another downer. It was a bad day.

I went to work as usual, and things were fine. And as I sat down at my desk, I realized that I'd forgotten my phone at home... Usually no big deal, today it was.

Up until lunch, things were going just fine. I was busy, but not swamped, and I had a good lunch with my coworkers at chipotle. (A chicken fajita burrito bowl if you must know.) And when lunch was over, Josh dumped another ass-load of work on my desk. (Basically, Josh has NO CLUE how much work is involved in putting together some of the things I do, so he has a tendency to wait until the last minute to inform me of any labor-intensive projects... We're going to have to discuss this at some point down the road... but I'm only 4 days in, so I'll save that talk for another day.) So, in addition to the Josh project, I had a project from one of the other brokers, and I had to put together and send out our monthly mailing... JOY.

So I had the privelege of staying at work an hour and a half later than usual to finish up everything that needed to be done today. So when I finally got home, significantly later than normal, I noted that I had 4 missed calls... I never have 4 missed calls when I forget my phone for a day... Seeing 4 missed calls can only mean one thing... Something is wrong.

And then I saw who they were from. 2 from my bank, one from Caro, and one from dad.

Considering my bank never calls unless something is wrong with my money, that's not a good sign... Turns out they were just confirming my direct deposit info.

Caro was just returning my call, so that was really nothing.

That just leaves the call from dad.

I talked to my dad yesterday. Dad and I don't talk all that frequently, so a call only one day after I talked to him is an indication that something is VERY wrong. I didn't even have to listen to the voicemail to know that... And even before I listened to my messages, or talked to anyone, I knew exactly what was wrong.

Before I could check my voicemail, my mom called and told me what I already knew.

My Uncle Jim died.

He'd been battling crazy amounts of cancer which had spread all over his organs for a few months, and when I talked to dad the other night, he was in the hospital. He was not doing well, but he was stable. Today was apparently another story.

So I talked to mom for a little while, and then I called dad back to see how he was holding up.

I should note that I've seen my dad cry many times. And more often than not, they were "crocodile tears." I didn't have to see the tears this time to know they were real. The last time I saw/heard him this broken up was back when his dad died...

I was 9 when that happened.

I totally understand the reason for him being tearful, and the only reason I note this at all, is because generally my dad's tearful outbursts have me no more broken up than finding soap scum in my shower.

Seriously, I get more upset when I realize I'm out of vodka, or when I get a scuff on a new pair of shoes, or when I find a hot pair of jeans that fit perfectly, but aren't on sale.

This cry was different. It was palpable... Even over the phone.

It got me upset. And dad was really too upset to talk, so I let him go, and I had a good cry on my own. And after I regained my composure, I decided to drown my sorrows in a really big cup of coffee. (Coffee to be followed later by large amounts of alcohol.)

So I went to the coffee shop. I ordered my usual. And no sooner than I got to my regular table, I proceeded to spill the whole thing. All over my laptop bag. And my laptop.

Fortunately the bag took the brunt of the damage, and the computer only suffered temporary cosmetic coffee staining. But I'm not going to lie, seeing any coffee on my beloved computer did give me a minor heart attack.

In an effort to remain positive in the face of adversity, I decided to count my blessings.

  • My computer was not damaged.
  • My laptop bag can be dry cleaned with relatively no problem.
  • I got a chance to say "goodbye" and "I love you" to my uncle while I was home for the holidays.
  • My dad informed me that since I was just home, and since I only recently started my new job, that I didn't need to come home for the funeral.
I know it seems kind of heartless of me to see a blessing in being excused from a dear family member's funeral, but trust me, it's for the best. I don't want to get into it, but it's a blessing.

I think it would be too rough on me to see my little cousins (twin boys, age 9) attending their father's funeral. Just thinking about it is bad enough, seeing it would be incomprehensibly hard.

With all the bad crap that's gone down tonight, I decided to message a certain someone who I tend to call when shit hits the fan and I don't feel like being alone. To make matters worse, I was ignored.

Oh well.

And now I plan on going into my kitchen and pouring up a shaker full of martinis. You kids behave yourselves, and I'll get back to you when I have something positive to post.


In entertainment news; Scott Stapp got engaged to a beauty queen... What's the world coming to? HONESTLY?


Oh, and it was determined that Chicago is the fattest city in the U.S.

Great! It's good to know that I'm doing my part, and that it counts for something!

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