Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My slipper can talk to me!!!

Ok, so my freshman or sophomore year of college my mom decided that I needed some slippers (aka house shoes) to wear whilst tromping around the hallways of my dorm. She carefully packed up a care package full of other goodies that were sure to provide me with entertainment, or to satisfy an uncontrollable craving for Mac & Cheese... (I think I still have some easy mac from that first semester... but that sure as hell didn't stop mom from sending more.)

So anyway, back to the slippers. (Marcia will appreciate this.) As far as slippers go, they were adorable! They were pink and kinda fuzzy/terry cloth. And they had little sparkly embroidered cherries on them. Here's a picture... and when we note the dirt on them, please keep in mind that they are somewhere between 4 and 5 years old... (That's older than either of my nephews!) And that despite washings, over the course of 4-5 years of regular use, a certain amount of dirt is just gonna stay.

So the other night I went down to the laundry room of my current residence, and as I stepped down on the last stair I heard a faint popping noise. At that exact second I thought little of it, because despite being in my early 20's, my body creaks and pops like a body belonging to an 85 year old arthritic mule used for rides down into the Grand Canyon.

And that's when I noticed it... I noted an extra little floppy noise when I stepped with my right foot...

For all intents and purposes, that popping noise I heard was the suicide shot of my slippers! They decided that they couldn't hang on any longer, and like a suicide bomber in Iraq, decided to self-detonate.

It was a sad day.

Being poor/frugal (since I have no choice in the financial realm until payday) I am going to try to stitch them up, and see how they do... otherwise, I'm going to have to be slipperless until payday, and then go drop some cash on a new pair.

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