Friday, March 03, 2006

"With all due respect..."

Ok, first off, let me note that with regard to physical appearances, I am not one to toot my own horn. In fact, it's a rare occasion that I will ever admit to looking pretty hot in anything, and the people I usually am willing to say such a thing to are Anthony, Caroline, and my mom.

What I'm getting at with that opening paragraph is just that I don't want you all thinking I'm writing this post just to fish for compliments... I'm not. I'm writing this up because something about this incident bothered me. So without further ado, here is the recounting of the incident.

Yesterday, I left the office early in the day to run an errand. As I exited the front door of my office building, I was greeted by two men walking down Michigan Ave. One of them looked at me and said, "How you doin' today?" to which I replied, "Just fine, thanks."

After a brief conference with his friend, he follows up with this little gem, "With all due respect, girl, you is prid-dee!"

I am not the type of girl to be turned on by cat calling. Never have been... I was particularly put off ("put off", meaning disgusted without being offended) by this line for a couple of reasons, which should be fairly obvious. So I replied to it with a simple, "With all due respect, if you're going to bother with complimenting me, you'd get further with proper grammar, than you would with a lame-ass, improper comment like that. Have a nice day." I then turned the corner and went on my way.

Now really, am I irrational to want to be complimented with proper grammar? Is that so much to ask? Just a little plain English, as it should be, and not as you have decided to alter it?

Am I wrong to ask for that?

1 comment:

Roderick said...

It can't work as a matter of fact, that is what I consider.
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