Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'm a loser.

Ok, well, I'm only a member of a losing team... We lost last night 2-1 and there really wasn't any excuse for it. We didn't play nearly as well as we should have.

Personally, I had a sweet header, a couple of good touches and passes, and one doozy of a pass, (but on that doozy of a pass I am attributing it to the really awful lighting because I couldn't see who was who, or what color jersey they were wearing for shit... Not that that's an excuse.)

I also think I strained a muscle early on last night, and I was feeling it throughout the majority of the game. So that kinda sucked. But Dave got our only goal, so that was pretty sweet, because we love Dave!


Speaking of things that are pretty sweet, my cousin Tarreck called to inform me that he has plans to come up to the Windy City next month for a second run at the greatness we achieved the last time he came up back in August.

We had a weekend of drunken amusements and Cubbies baseball! (All at his expense.) It was my kind of weekend!

Last time, it was all fun and games, this time, we're making history... and we're not going to call it a night until someone gets arrested!

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