Thursday, April 20, 2006


The Lizzle has done it! She has finally moved out of the stone age of telephone technology!

That's right, I finally got rid of my old, piece of crap phone that didn't have reception anywhere, and I have moved up to the (almost) latest and greatest technology!

See that phone? That's my phone! Now I can actually do crazy things like talk on the phone while in my apartment. Yeah, you read that right. with my old phone I couldn't even talk in my apartment... (My building is built like a concrete bunker, so reception was total poo.)

I'm still getting used to this new-fangled phone and all it's swell features, so for the next few days I will pretty much be forced to look like a total tool because I have the manual out trying to figure out how in the hell to set up my one touch dialing... (The old phone kept it pretty basic where that was concerned) Does anybody know how to do this??? Because it is waaay more complicated than it needs to be!

Anyway, here's a quick and dirty version of my Thursday 13... because I don't want to bother with all the hullabaloo of getting the banner and whatnot (though if you want a hot-ass banner, go see Kelly!)

Thirteen reasons why I love my brother:
1. Umm... He's my brother!
2. He is a bartender, so he mixes a mean drink! (just like me!)
3. When we were little, I made him eat a dead fly by telling him it was just a raisin... So I kinda owe him a little extra love for that!
4. When we were little, he was the only person I'd ever roll down the hill with while in a refrigerator box. (Hey, don't knock it till you try it!)
5. When he was a freshman in high school, he won the "Sexiest legs" contest... Which makes him just a little bit cooler.
6. Umm, he's my brother.
7. I think he's even funnier than I am...
8. For a long time, he engaged in behaviors that made me "The good child" and "The FAVORITE"
9. As my predecessor through the school system, he set up a certain expectation for the family name... "Expect the unexpected... and have a sense of humor about it!"
10. He can play the guitar like a champ... and that makes him awesome.
11. Because it has taken him 25 years to learn to like mashed potatoes... which just goes to show you that given time, all things are possible (except skiing through a revolving door)
12. Despite all his faults, he's just a damn good guy!
13. HE'S MY BROTHER DAMMIT! Why are you still questioning this?

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