Friday, October 29, 2004

I had the craziest dream last night... Have you ever had one of those dreams which seems to combine all the most obscure aspects of your life with current characters? Yeah, well I had one last night, here are the pertinent details:

In my head we were still in Chicago, but the place where we were was actually an amazing combination of my former-neighbor JP's apartment, my house in Evansville, Glenmary country club in Louisville Kentucky, and a gymnastics training facility back in Evansville. (Needless to say, it was a super-cool, crazy-ass place.)

For some strange reason I had in my head that I still lived in my current apartment, but I was also aware that I had 4 roommates, (none of whom I have ever lived with) My roommates were Kaci Wittmer, (a girl who I went to grade school and high school with, but was never really friends with, and I have certainly given no thought since h.s. graduation,) Jake Brown, (one of the trainers who I work with) K.B. (Loyola track & field athlete) and Jill Weiser, (one of my friends from freshman year who I have not talked to for more than 2 years now).

Others in attendance were: Steve Stone, (former Cubs pitcher turned Cubs announcer who VERY recently stepped down,) Dave Hurley (and what I can only assume were a bunch of his drunk friends) Mark, (no explaination necessary) C-Murda, (no explaination necessary) my brother (no explaination necessary) and his girlfriend Lisa (again no explaination necessary), Alana (SPOOLIE!!!), Chris, Brad Pitt (as Mickey in "Snatch"), Oliver Thomas, (a boy who was in my homeroom in high school,) Julia Lynch, (a girl who I was KINDA friends with in high school,) Nealy,(a girl from my high school driver's ed class) Nate Adams, (flower slingin boss, birthday buddy, and dancing queen extraordinaire) Krystian,(one of my volleyball boys) Kim Burmeister,(a girl I used to lifeguard with VERY briefly my first year as a guard... before she started poppin out kids) Bryan Wassmer,(one of the guards I supervised when I was head guard at the ghetto pool) a squirrel, a duck, and two or three dogs. Quite the oddball cast, I know.

So we've got this crazy cast running around in this crazy house/apartment/gymnastics gym/country club place and of course comedy ensues. I know that in my dream we were drinking a lot, and we were playing pool, and playing in the gymnastics gym, (and we all know that when you combine alcohol and super-springy trampolines among other gymnastics equipment and apparatus, everyone wins!

...And then we had to go to church, where I was seated with my mom and Lisa Robinson, (my roommate from first semester of freshman year) and I was on crutches.

There's more, but it just gets really crazy, and hard to explain.

Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my cracked-out head. I'm sure that all of this means something, and that if I were to track down a book on dreams and their meanings, I'd find out that I'm going to miraculously conceive the spawn of satan, or drink myself into a coma and die soon, or something of that nature... You know, nothing too out of the ordinary for me.

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