Monday, October 11, 2004

Well, I have found that I can in fact cover the bruise on my chin relatively well with a fair amount of makeup, and a concentrated effort. Between my hand, my chin, and my other assorted bruises, I have no doubt that with no makeup people would assume I'm in a horrible, abusive relationship. And those people would be right. I abuse alcohol and when I regain consciousness the next day I find that it has abused me.

But yeah, this is a quick shoutout to the fine folks who not only tolerate me and my nonsense on a daily basis, but went above and beyond to wish me a happy birthday.

So, Momma, Jen, Spoolie, Ben, Nate, Jake, Maria, Beth, Krystian, Shannon, J.P., Bailey, Janey, Bret, Murda, Becky, Katie, Dez, Erik, Erin, Kirsten, Preston, Rachel, Heather, Shawn, Brice, Phil, Jag, Emily, Deb, Brian Joe, Chris, Dave, Ashlei, and Fatty, Scoot, Gretchen, Brittany, Bette, Oscar, Pam, Ron, Katie, Lisa, Mike, Matt, Jess, Nicole, Andy, Ashley, thanks for loving me! (I'll ammend this list as needed, because my birthday ain't over yet.)

A few other people wished me a happy birthday, but they are not being named because I don't want to get into details with some of that crapola!

For those of you who are concerned as to how I spent my b-day, I had no classes today, and I have none tomorrow either... I couldn't sleep, but I somehow woke up early, and then I came to the realization that I was really quite tired so I went back to bed, I woke up again, showered, channel surfed for a while, cleaned my room, cleaned a little around the rest of the apartment, talked to people, locked myself out, got Spoolie to let me back in, and that brings us up to the current moment. Tonight's plans are fairly simple because we really partied quite hard all weekend long (and for much of last week as well...) and so dinner and one or two drinks is about all I've got left in me for tonight. It'll be a nice quiet affair for my ACTUAL b-day, because one can only handle so much of that carousing that went on this weekend... but man it was a good time! Thanks again kids! You're all so awesome, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you!

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