Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Spent the night over at Karens last night. Again, no sex, but being that I care how this one turns out I've gotta let her make all the first first moves (after a move has been made it can be duplicated at will by either party). We ended up talking most of the night away and were both hurting at our jobs today. We found some comfort in each other through email.

It was at some point today that I realized that I am a playa. No doubt. Check out a paragraph from this email....

"...every time I began to fall asleep I immediately snapped
awake, like I was afraid I was gonna miss something. Just couldn't let
go with you so close. I'm sure we could work through the sleep issues,
but you're probably right, if we deny ourselves weeknights we'll be far
less likely to suffer through days like this. I'll just have to start
living for the weekends... seriously though I can't back any of that up.
If you ever want to grab a bite to eat or beat up a hobo at 4am on a
Tuesday don't hesitate to call. I'm in."

Here I use romance and comedy to spin a web with which to entangle fair maiden.

Her response...

"I have to admit, you're starting to sucker me into you. Especially with
lines like this.. " Just couldn't let go with you so close." Another
oddity.. never really had anyone say that before either... you made me

Now here's the thing. My message was not meant to be a pick up line. I meant that. I have problems sleeping when an attractive half dressed woman is laying next to me. I couldn't sleep because she was right next to me. After reading her response and reviewing my statement... well it just sounds slimy. If she forwards this email to her friends I very much doubt it will be met with rave reviews. Just thought it would be funny if I fell victim to my own sense of romance. Well funny in a rip out my heart and spit in my eye kinda way.

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