Sunday, October 17, 2004

This is one of those more cerebral/analytical posts... not the norm here, I know, so feel free to skip.

I was talking to my very intoxicated cousin last evening, and he was asking me for relationship advice... This amuses me. I am amused because we all know that I don't have successful, lasting relationships. It's not for a lack of wanting or trying, it's because I just can't find any guy who is right for me. And to be honest, I don't think I'm asking for so much... I just want a guy who is moderately attractive, (I don't have strict limits on anything physical, as most of you know from my photo-array of all my former Mr. Lizzles) I like to think that as far as the physical goes, it really doesn't matter, but since we all know that it does play a role even if we say it doesn't, I like guys with that "all american boy" kind of charm... So yeah, I just want an all american boy who has a decent sense of humor, and is willing to laugh at himself (and at me, when appropriate). And I think more than anything I want someone who is strong enough in character to have his own opinons while still giving a degree of consideration to mine. Is that so much to ask? I didn't think so, but I guess it is...

But anyway, while I was talking to my cousin, he was seeking a little bit of relationship advice. In his very drunken text messages, he was telling me how much he cares about his girlfriend of 6 months, asking me what he should do to celebrate their 6 months together. He then asked me if 6 months was too soon to be so serious, (i.e. was he missing out on college life, etc.) and the only answer I could give him required me to go on record about my feelings on cheating. So I might as well let everybody know... I'm pretty obviously anti-cheating, I've never cheated, and based on my own philosophy of anti-cheating, I have no intention of ever starting. Here's why. If you're in a relationship where you feel like you are willing to commit yourself to the one person who you care about, and you've both decided that it's a mutually exclusive commitment, then you have pretty much stated that you care enough to be with that one person, and nobody else. And if you feel the need to be with someone else, then you obviously don't care about that other person quite enough to be with only them, so why bother being with them at all? I don't know if this makes sense to anyone else, but it makes sense in my head, so that's why it's my philosophy and not yours... I'm not preaching or anything, just putting my shit out there. (That's what I do here... so get over it.)


Mark is a champ again with another stellar performance on the soccer field. Way to go honey, you're such a superstar!!!


I talked to my dad today. He was calling just to make his standard every-other-weekly call... We talked about school, weather, baseball, football, and just as I could tell he was about to get off the line without saying anything I thought I'd go ahead and bring it up. Here's how it went down:
Dad: "Well, kiddo, you sound like things are going pretty well, study hard for those exams..."
Liz: "Oh, hey, dad, I've got a question for you."
Dad: "Yeah?"
Liz: "You don' t happen to remember what last Monday was, do you?"
Dad: [LONG pause] "Oh, shit... I'm sorry."
Liz: "Yeah, I figured you just got busy and forgot."
Dad: "Yeah, honey, I'm sorry. Well, how was your 22nd birthday?" (He verbally noted my age to prove he had at least remembered what year I was born)
Liz: "It was good, it was fall break, so we had a couple extra days to celebrate."
Dad: "Well, you know maybe if you called more often I'd be more likely to remember."
Liz: "... Yeah... Well, I think we're just mutually busy."

(Please go back and read that last exchange again... My father, who is responsible for half of my genetic makeup forgot my birthday, (as if that isn't bad enough) he then tried to put it back on me after I reminded him... and upon hearing that, did I take the chance to rip him a new one? No. I was nice enough to let it slide...)


Even though it's futile, I'm still rooting for the BoSox... the only team left in the playoffs with any indication of a soul.


10.18.04 - "Have you ever woken up mortified at yourself for something you did in a dream? Last night I dreamt that I walked with Dave Coulier as he threw a cripple's wheelchair up a hill. We then laughed with Uncle Jesse and Danny Tanner as we watched her try to get up the hill to her wheelchair. We were laughing so hard that the filming of Full House had to stop... I finally get a chance to be on tv and I blew it!" ~ Abbey P.

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