Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Just for the record...

Ok, so we got into the whole dog-attack thing again last night. And this morning, I had a comment noting that someone (I believe it was brenda, but I lack the energy to go look) didn't know I was afraid of dogs.

FOR THE RECORD: I'm not afraid of dogs. I LOVE dogs! I particularly love big dogs. (As opposed to little rat dogs... even though I have one of those too.)

The reason I note this is because it's kind of important as far as my theory goes. I am convinced that I'm going to die old and alone,by being attacked by a pack of wild dogs. But here's how it goes down: I will be living my miserable, lonely life, and in a bid for a little companionship as the years roll by, I will get a big dog or two... and after a while they will come to believe that they have sufficiently lulled me into believeing that, "My dogs would NEVER maul me to death! They love me, and I love them!" And of course, they will be right... and that's when it will happen! They will spring their trap, and I will be at their mercy!

Of course, my death will go largely unnoticed since I'll be a lonely old spinster, and no one will think anything of it until the smell of my decaying corpse drifts into the hallway of my co-op. Then the neighbors will complain, someone will come by and open the door, and find me dead on my living room floor, and the dogs perfectly content because they will have had a ready supply of fresh meat to nibble on since I have obviously lost the ability to feed them any other way.

Yeah, it's a little gruesome, but I'm pretty sure that's how it'll go down. I'm so doomed!

(It'll either happen like that, or one day I'll decide that I've had enough of this cruel world, and I'll go visit Australia... And lord knows if you've ever been to "Swim At Your Own Risk" you know there is no way I'd ever survive a trip to Australia!)


Just a quick question:

Has anyone else noticed that those "Word verification" things that people have on their comment sections have gotten really long and complicated?

Seriously, they used to be like 4 letters long and were always pretty simple... but nowadays, you have to type something like "xfjvnsgnlzoxjdvnajngabois" and it's always in some font that makes certain letters REALLY HARD to distinguish!

I understand why they are there, and most of the time I don't mind doing them, but seriously they need to lighten up on those things!!! I didn't know I had to be an NSA code-cracking expert to post a comment about new shoes, or something!