Tuesday, December 20, 2005

OK, bitches...

You hot sluts have waited long enough for a post, so here it is... quite late on Tuesday, so I'm sure that most of you won't read it until Wednesday... though there will be a fresh one for your hump day as well!

So let's catch up, shall we?

Oh, so my big nasty swollen eye was probably not as bad as you imagined. Although there were moments when I felt like him, I never actually looked like Quasimodo.

Yeah, I probably exaggerated a little bot back on Sunday... Because to be honest it didn't even keep me in on Sunday night. When Caroline called to lure me out of my apartment with the promise of NFL football, and plenty of booze, I took her up on it. So we went out, we parited, and I found out that a SUPER-skeezy man who has a crack-whore/stripper girlfriend is apparently totally in love with me. (See, I'm tellin' ya, I attract all the winners!) It's always an interesting night out with Caroline.

Nights out with Caroline are made even more entertaining by the fact that she is a total lightweight drinker, and that even when she isn't drinking, she's very quotable.

So after a night of binge drinking with Caroline, and a day of recovery at her and Dave's apartment, I came home, slept, and then got ready for that interview thing at the Drake... (Strangest bartending interview ever, by the way)

Then, since I was already downtown, I decided to knock out my Christmas shopping. (Don't get your hopes up... I love you all, but I'm only buying for the family this year.)

I should also note that before I headed downtown, my new shoes showed up at my door.

They are here. They are FABULOUS! (And pictures will be posted soon.)

So I spent my shopping day blissfully walking around in exquisite new shoes! (It's a chick thing.)

Anthony and I dined downtown, and here I am, wrapping up my day with the hottest sluts on the face of this earth... (And you're still going to be the hottest sluts, even after Tom Cruise becons Xenu to bring all his minions down to party.)



"All I know is, if I were a superhero, I'd be called "The Impractical Shoe!" ~ Caroline

"Hey! Do you want to lick my stomach?" ~ Caroline (I honestly don't know who she was talking to, but I heard it, so it was noted.)

"OOOOH YEAH! You can spend the night! Do you want to come over and see my pussies?" ~Caroline (Fortunately for me, she has two cats... if I didn't already know that fact going in, I'm pretty sure I'd have turned her down on the offer.)

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