Sunday, December 18, 2005

Yep, I'm still an idiot...

Just when things were starting to go well, and I was starting to think I wasn't really as dumb as I previously thought, I go and prove myself wrong.

I'm still dumb.

I had one of those giant zits-that-hurt-before-they-are-even-visible that was brewing... and while I was over at Anthony's the other day he said, "Here, put some Clearasil on it!" And without thinking, I did.

I forgot to check what was in it, because I am allergic to benzoyl peroxide... it gives me hives and makes my throat swell shut. (My last doctor told me he'd never seen such a violent reaction to benzoyl peroxide, and that he was amazed at the severity.)

Before you ask, YES, Clearasil does have benzoyl peroxide in it.

So now I have one eye that is significantly swollen and gross looking... fortunately my throat hasn't decided to swell shut this time. Another fortuitous thing is that I still have some medicine from the last time this happened.

So now I have a swollen eye and white goop smeared all over it. (Insert obligatory crass oral sex/facial jokes here.)

I should be back to normal in a few days... in the meantime, I'm not leaving my apartment, because I don't want to give small children nightmares.

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